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Classmates in Library

 Research Projects

Stay tuned here for updates on our several upcoming research projects!

What is the state of knowledge about anti-Black racism and the health of children, teens and young adults? 

Our team is in the process of conducting a systematic review to carefully examine the current literature surrounding the health implications of perceived racial discrimination on Black children, adolescents and emerging adults. The results of this research will help build a foundation of evidence to support future research priorities, and more importantly, determine the best actions that researchers, policymakers, and practitioners can take to support the well-being and resilience of Black young people in the face of systemic racism.  

What are Black postsecondary students’ experiences of ABR in university contexts, and how can current and prospective Black students be better prepared to cope with its mental health impacts? 

Exposure to anti-Black racism (ABR) in institutional and community contexts is associated with negative mental health and educational outcomes (e.g., depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor academic self-concept, premature dropout) for youth and emerging adults seeking higher education. In a collaboration between UofT and a youth-serving community organization, the purpose of this project is to explore current and prospective Black postsecondary students’ perceptions and experiences of racial discrimination within university contexts, identify ways in which these experiences impact their mental health, and explore their experiences of on-campus mental health supports for coping with ABR. This will aid with the identification of culturally responsive opportunities for improvement of campus mental health supports and advance knowledge on effective ways to prepare and support Black students aiming to attend university. 

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